
发布时间:2014-12-10 08:03:25 来源:大电流电感厂家 查看: 次
ispPAC-POWR1220AT8集成了在系统可编程逻辑和在系统可编程模拟功能,是通用的电源监视器,顺序和余量控制器,它提供12个单独的模拟输入通道,用来监视多达12个电源测试点. POWR1220AT8提供和IPMC标准的命令接口,能把板上的DC/DC转换器转换成精密的数控电源.本文介绍了ispPAC-POWR1220AT8主要特性,方框图,以及应用方框图, 评估板外形图,采用ispPAC-POWR1220AT8的12V热插拔控制器参考设计电路图.
The Power Manager II POWR122插件电感器0AT8 provides a standard command interface to the IPMC while performing FRU specific payload power management functions using the on-chip CPLD. The POWR1220AT8 also converts all on board DC-DC converters into accurate digitally controlled supplies.



The PAC-POWR1220AT8 evaluation board allows the designer to quickly configure and evaluate the ispPAC-POWR1220AT8 device on a fully assembled printed-circuit board. The four-layer board supports a 100-pin TQFP package, pads for user I/O, a JTAG programming cable connector, and a connector for the device’s I2C interface. JTAG programming signals can be generated by using an ispDOWNLOAD® programming cable connected between the evaluation board and a PC. Both analog and digital features of the ispPACPOWR1220AT8 device can be easily configured using PAC-Designer® software.
The PAC-POWR1220AT8 evaluation board is available in a Development Kit that includes:
PAC-POWR1220AT8 Evaluation Board
ispDOWNLOAD Cab绕行电感le
AC Adapter (International plugs)
User Documentation

A hot swap controller is used to limit the inrush current when a circuit board is plugged into a powered backplane.
In addition, a hot swap controller may offer some or all of the following features: over-current protection (electronic circuit breaker), over-voltage protection, and under-voltage protection. Hot swap controllers are also required to isolate the board from the backplane which is useful in troubleshooting, maintenance, and upgrade activities. The power-down request may come from the backplane (remote) or an on-board switch (manual).
This document describes how a Lattice Power Manager II ispPAC®-POWR1220AT8 can be used to implement the functions required for 12V hot swap applications. This reference design is targeted to operate on the Power 电感器lManager Hercules Development Kit (PAC-POWR1220AT8-HS-EVN – Standard or PAC-POWR1220AT8-HA-EVN –Advanced).
• Programmable inrush current limit (default 2 amps)
• Programmable de-bounce delay (default 30ms)
• Programmable over-current limit (default 15 amps)
• Over and under-voltage limits both at source and load
• Short circuit protection
• Programmable SOA drive of N-channel MOSFET
绕行电感• Power supply OR’ing

图5. 12V热插拔控制器框图

图6. ispPAC-POWR1220AT8电源管理电路图

图7. 12V热插拔控制器电路图 平面变压器厂家 | 平面电感厂家
The Power Manager II POWR122插件电感器0AT8 provides a standard command interface to the IPMC while performing FRU specific payload power management functions using the on-chip CPLD. The POWR1220AT8 also converts all on board DC-DC converters into accurate digitally controlled supplies.



The PAC-POWR1220AT8 evaluation board allows the designer to quickly configure and evaluate the ispPAC-POWR1220AT8 device on a fully assembled printed-circuit board. The four-layer board supports a 100-pin TQFP package, pads for user I/O, a JTAG programming cable connector, and a connector for the device’s I2C interface. JTAG programming signals can be generated by using an ispDOWNLOAD® programming cable connected between the evaluation board and a PC. Both analog and digital features of the ispPACPOWR1220AT8 device can be easily configured using PAC-Designer® software.
The PAC-POWR1220AT8 evaluation board is available in a Development Kit that includes:
PAC-POWR1220AT8 Evaluation Board
ispDOWNLOAD Cab绕行电感le
AC Adapter (International plugs)
User Documentation

A hot swap controller is used to limit the inrush current when a circuit board is plugged into a powered backplane.
In addition, a hot swap controller may offer some or all of the following features: over-current protection (electronic circuit breaker), over-voltage protection, and under-voltage protection. Hot swap controllers are also required to isolate the board from the backplane which is useful in troubleshooting, maintenance, and upgrade activities. The power-down request may come from the backplane (remote) or an on-board switch (manual).
This document describes how a Lattice Power Manager II ispPAC®-POWR1220AT8 can be used to implement the functions required for 12V hot swap applications. This reference design is targeted to operate on the Power 电感器lManager Hercules Development Kit (PAC-POWR1220AT8-HS-EVN – Standard or PAC-POWR1220AT8-HA-EVN –Advanced).
• Programmable inrush current limit (default 2 amps)
• Programmable de-bounce delay (default 30ms)
• Programmable over-current limit (default 15 amps)
• Over and under-voltage limits both at source and load
• Short circuit protection
• Programmable SOA drive of N-channel MOSFET
绕行电感• Power supply OR’ing

图5. 12V热插拔控制器框图

图6. ispPAC-POWR1220AT8电源管理电路图

图7. 12V热插拔控制器电路图 平面变压器厂家 | 平面电感厂家
基于TMS320LF2407A的双CAN口同步通讯板设计 随着现代战争要求武器系统在战场条件下的可靠性和维修性提高,传统分离式控制系统的快速保障难以满足要求。一体化车载PLC控制器以其高可靠性、模块化特性使其应用于防空武器火力控制,为了将其扩展到具有TTC
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