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Cypress CY8CKIT-036 PSoC热管理解决方案

发布时间:2018-08-22 06:10:29  来源:大电流电感厂家   查看:

Cypress公司的CY8CKIT-036 PSoC热管理扩展板用来评估系统的热管理功能和PSoC架构的能力,支持多达4线风扇的控制,六个不同模拟和数字传感器组合的温度检测,基于EEPROM的数据记录,I2C/SMbus/PMbus主接口,热区管理(温度和风扇速度的关系),检测热和冷却故障或告警的算法.典型解决方案包括多个器件如CPLD,混合信号ASIC和/或有限功能以及刚性分立器件.本文介绍了CY8CKIT-036 PSoC热管理扩展板主要功能,框图,热管理功能(TME)功能框图以及扩展板电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.

In general terms, thermal management is a combination of temperature sensing, fan control and the algorithms or transfer functions that map temperature to fan speed. Thermal management is a critical, system-level function that needs to ensure that all components in the system operate within safe temperature limits, while at the same time minimizing power consumption and acoustic一体成型贴片电感工厂 noise.

Typical solutions for thermal management include multiple devices such as CPLDs, mixed-signal ASICs and/or limited-functionality and inflexible discrete devices. Thermal management solutions need to be flexible enough to interface with many kinds of both digital and analog temperature sensors. To maximize efficiency, they must also be able to drive a multitude of fans independently. Finally, thermal management solutions must have enough intelligence built in to reliably control the cooling systems autonomously, independent of a master control processor in the event that communications are lost or the master control processors fail or go offline. The PSoC?3 architecture enables a flexible and unique method of thermal management in a single chip, combining analog sensing cap电感器的型号abilities for any kind of analog temperature sensor such as remote diodes, thermistors, resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), etc. PSoC 3抯 versatile digital resource pool enables the integration of multiple I2C bus interfaces, capture timers and even full-custom logic to support interfaces to a wide variety of digital temperature sensors such as I2C based, pulse-width-modulated (PWM) based and other proprietary serial interface digital temperature sensors. PSoC 3抯 unique CPLD-like hardware blocks are also used to implement a full hardware closed loop fan control system for high reliability systems that require zero intervention from firmware running on the built-in MCU or running on an external master control processor. This frees up MCU processing power to run and manage algorithms or transfer functions of very high complexity to optimize fan speeds to achieve system cooling requirements.

The PSoC Thermal Management Expansion Board Kit (TME EBK) is a part of the PSoC development kit ecosystem and is designed to work with the CY8CKIT-001 PSoC Development Kit (DVK) and CY8CKIT-030 PSoC 3 Development Kit (DVK). It enables you to evaluate a system抯 thermal management functions and capabilities of PSoC 3 devices. You can evaluate the example projects described in this guide or design and customize your own thermal management solution using components in Cypress抯 PSoC CreatorTM software (included in this kit) or by altering example projects provided with this kit.

The PSoC Thermal Management Expansion Board Kit (TME EBK) is used with the PSoC family of devices and is specifically designed and packaged for use with the PSoC 3 device family. PSoC 3 is a programmable system-on-chip platform that combines precision analog and digital logic with a high performance, single-cycle, 67MHz 8051 processor. With the flexibility of the PSoC architecture, you can easily create your own custom thermal management solution on chip with the exact functionality you need, in the way you want it- no more, no less.

The TME EBK is intended to provide a demonstration and development platform for developing system thermal management co-processor solutions with compelling example projects that demonstrate a variety of modes:

Temperature monitoring

Open-loop and closed-loop fan control

Thermal zone management: the relationship between temperatures and cooling functions
Algorithms to detect thermal and cooling failures or warnings

The TME EBK contains two 4-wire, 12V brushless DC fans with connectors to support an additional 2 fans for designers who need to prototype with their own specific fan models. 6 temperature sensors (4 different kinds) are also installed on the kit: 1) TMP175 I2C digital temperature sensor, 2) 2x TMP05 PWM output digital temperature sensors, 3) DS18S20 “One Wire” digital temperature sensor and 4) 2x MMBT3094 temperature diodes. This combination of hardware elements enables designers to rapidly prototype thermal management solutions in a variety of configurations.平面变压器厂家 | 平面电感厂家

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