
基于LinkSwitch-PH设计的14W TRIAC调光LED驱动方案
发布时间:2014-12-12 10:26:18 来源:大电流电感厂家 查看: 次
The document describes a high power-factor TRIAC dimmable LED driver designed to drive a nominal LED string voltage of 28 V at 0.5 A from an input voltage range of 90 VAC to 265 VAC. The LED driver utilizes the LNK406EG from the LinkSwitch-PH family of ICs.
LinkSwitch-PH ICs allow the implementation of cost effective and low component count LED drivers which both meet power factor and harmonics limits but also offer enhanced end user experience. This includes ultra-wide dimming range, flicker free operation (even with low cost with AC line TRIAC dimmers) and fast, clean turn on.
The topology used is an isolated Flyback operating in continuous conduction mode.Output current regulation is sensed entirely from the primary side eliminating the need for secondary side feedback components. No external current sensing is required on the primary side either as this is performed inside the IC further reducing components and losses. The internal controller adjusts the MOSFET duty cycle to maintain a sinusoidal input current and th电感厂家erefore high power factor and low harmonic currents.
The LNK406EG also provides a sophisticated range of protection features including autorestart for open control loop and output short-circuit conditions. Line overvoltage provides extended line fault and surge withstand, output overvoltage protects the supply should the load be disconnect and accurate hyster电感器生产厂家etic thermal shutdown ensures safe average PCB temperatures un电感器应用der all conditions.
In any LED luminaire the driver determines many of the performance attributes experienced by the end customer (user) including startup time, dimming, flicker and unit to unit consistency. For this design a focus was given to compatibility with as wider range of dimmers and as large of a dimming range as possible, at both 115 VAC and 230 VAC. However simplification of the design is possible for both single input voltage operation, no dimming or operation with a limited range of (higher quality) dimmers.
This document contains the LED driver specification, schematic, PCB diagram, bill of materials, transformer documentation and typical performance characteristics.

图4.TRIAC调光14W LED驱动器参考设计外形图

图5.TRIAC调光14W 一体成型电感器LED驱动器参考设计电路图

图6.变压器电连接图 平面变压器厂家 | 平面电感厂家
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