Injection molding an IC into a connector or consumable item
49 to 85
171 to 199
21 to 52
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216 to 232
216 to 232
66 to 121
221 to 238
38 to 66
177 to 199
177 to 193
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210 to 232
38 to 79
AUT: material is well suited for autoclave sterilization.
ET material is well suited for etylene oxide sterilization.
CD: material is well suited for chlorine dioxide sterilization.
VHP: material is well suited for vaporized hydrogen peroxide sterilization.
RAD: material is well suited for gamma ray or electron beam sterilization.
(rad): material may change its characteristics, e.g., discolor, when exposed to gamma rays or electron beams.
The temperature values above are compiled from data on the RTP Company11 website. Each plastic type usually has several variations with different processing and mold temperatures. Other vendors may offer工字电感 the same plastic type with slightly different processing requirements. Additives such as reinforcement fibers, pigment, flammability reduction compounds, or conductivity enhancers can also impact the processing conditions. As a guideline, one should select the plastic based on the nozzle temperature or the front zone temperature as specified in the processing conditions for injection molding of plastics. For injection molding at 183°C, the choice of plastic is very limited. At 217°C, most of the materials in Table 1 are feasible. Materials such as nylon (PA) or polyethylene terephthalate (PET) can be used only if the IC功率电感 is not soldered to a substrate. The plastic cools off rapidly inside the mold cavity. In summary, one should make sure that when the plastic enters the mold, it does not exceed the critical temperature.
Sterilization compatibility
Products for medical applications typically undergo sterilization, at least once or even multiple times during their lifetime. Popular methods are autoclave steam sterilization, ethylene大功率电感 oxide (ETO) sterilization, chlorine dioxide (CD) sterilization, vaporized hydrogen peroxide (VHP) sterilization, hydrogen peroxide plasma sterilization, and irradiation with gamma rays or electron beams. The sterilization compatibility information in Table 1 is compiled from various publications. A report on hydrogen peroxide gas-plasma compatibil一体成型电感器ity was not found. In any case, caution is advised since the test methods and details are not fully disclosed. For objects with an embedded IC the preferred sterilization methods are ETO and CD. Autoclave and VHP may also be acceptable, although the high temperature or vacuum required by these methods can affect embedded batteries or floating-gate memory cells. Hydrogen peroxide gas-plasma sterilization and irradiation (gamma ray or electron beam) are not recommended since they can damage ICs.平面变压器厂家 | 平面电感厂家
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